


  • No school could rightfully state that it was providing an all-round education for its learners if it did not provide them with adequate exposure to Arts and Culture.


  • In our Culture classes (Grade 4 - Grade 7) the learners do : Drama, Music and Dance.


  • Art classes are also given.


  • Individual music lessons are given during school hours and extra-murally.


  • There is an Art Club and a Craft Club ("Out of the Box") for the Senior Primary learners.


  • We have a Junior and Senior Choir and a Wind Band


  • Geen skool kan daarop roem dat hulle voorsiening maak vir die totale opvoeding van sy leerders as hulle nie voorsiening maak vir genoegsame blootstelling aan Kuns en Kultuur nie.


  • In ons Kultuurklasse (graad 4 tot graad 7) neem die leerders aan die volgende deel : Drama, Musiek en Dans.


  • Kunsklasse word ook aan alle leerders aangebied.


  • Individuele musieklesse word gedurende en na skool aangebied.


  • Daar is ’n Kunsklub en ’n Kunsvlytklub ("Out of the Box") vir die Senior Primére-leerders.


  • Ons het ook ’n Junior Koor en ’n Senior Koor en ’n Blaasorkes.


All Grade 3 learners do a musicality test and according to their results, get chosen for recorder tuition. As from Grade 4 they can start on the other wind instruments. These instruments include the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba. Once they are ready, they become members of our Wind Band. Learners also receive tuition in piano and theory of music and can enter for the Royal Schools of Music and Unisa music examinations.

Alle graad 3 leerders lê ’n musikaliteitstoets af en word daarvolgens gekeur vir blokfluitonderrig. Vanaf graad 4 word hulle na ander blaasinstrumente oorgeplaas. Hierdie instrumente sluit die dwarsfluit, klarinet, saksofoon, trompet, tromboon, Franse horing, eufonium en tuba in. Sodra hulle gereed is, word hulle lede van ons Blaasorkes. Onderrig in klavier en musiekteorie word ook aangebied en leerders kan vir die “Royal Schools of Music” en Unisa musiekeksamens inskryf.


The wind band consists of learners from Grade 4 to Grade 7.

The musical instruments used in the band are : the flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, French Horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba and percussion instruments.

The band performs at various functions and is a worthy ambassador for our school. The highlight each year is our Musical Evening where all the music learners take part. This entails a lot of preperation because most of the items are performed in groups.

Every second year there is great excitement, because all our past wind band members are invited to come and play with.


Die blaasorkes bestaan uit leerders vanaf graad 4 tot graad 7.

Musiekinstrumente wat in die orkes gebrik word, sluit die dwarsfluit, klarinet, altsaksofoon, tenoorsaksofoon, trompet, Franse Horing, tromboom, eufonium, tuba en perkussie instrumente in.

Die orkes tree by verskeie geleenthede op en is ware ambassadeurs vir ons skool. Die hoogtepunt elke jaar is ons Musiekaand, waaraan al die musiekleerders deelneem. Dit verg baie voorbereiding, aangesien dit meesal groep-items is.

Elke tweede jaar is daar baie groot opgewondenheid wanneer os al die oud-orkeslede nooi om saam te kom speel.



The Junior Choir consist of members from Grade 1 to Grade 3. For most of them, this is the first time they have sung in a choir. They are very enthusiastic and really enjoy making movements to accompany the songs they sing.

Die Junior Koor bestaan uit lede wat wissel van graad een tot drie. Vir die meeste van hierdie leerders is dit hulle eerste kennismaking met koorsang. Hulle is baie entoesiasties en geniet dit baie om bewegings saam die sang te doen.

The Senior Choir consists of members from Grade 4 to Grade 7. It is multi-cultural and sings in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. The members enjoy making movements to the music as they sing. They perform at various choir evenings throughout the year and their own music evening in the fourth term is the highlight of the year.

Die Senior Koor bestaan uit lede wat wissel van graad 4 tot 7. Die koor is multi-kultureel en sing in Afrikaans, Engels en Xhosa. Hulle hou daarvan om hulle sang met bewegings aan te vul. Die Koor tree jaarliks by verskeie kooraande op en hulle eie musiekaand in die vierdie kwartaal is ’n hoogtepunt.





This is open to learners from Grade 4 to Grade 7. It operates on a Friday afternoon from 13:00 to 14:00.

The focus in these classes in on enjoyment of art and seeing how it fits into, and is part of, our daily lives.

Leerders vanaf graad 4 to graad 7 kan deel wees van hierdie klub. Leerders kom Vrydae tussen 13:00 en 14:00 bymekaar.

Die fokus van die klasse is tans op die genot van kuns en om bewus te word van hoe dit inpas en deel vorm van ons daaglikse lewens



We’re thankful for golden opportunities

That we receive here every day

We fear no dangers or adversities

Our souls will never stray

Thus we promise love and loyalty

To school and home and Lord

To Fatherland and heritage

We’ll strive with one accord

May our school Lorraine for evermore be blest

That’s the name Lorraine, the school that we love best.


Die wêreld van kennis word hier oopgesluit

Beklee word ons met durf en moed

Vir vyande sal ons nie stuit

Hier word ons siel gevoed

Ons beloof altyd on beste te gee

Vir skool en huis en kerk

Vir Vaderland en medemens

Volhard, wees altyd sterk

Laerskool Lorraine, ons wy u die nuwe lied

Laerskool Lorraine, wat die beste vir ons bied

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Longitude: 25° 33’ 48.243"


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Tel:  (041) 367-1115
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E-mail: info@lorraineschool.co.za

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