Die Beheerliggaam bestaan uit 11 lede wat elke drie jaar verkies word. Die samestelling is as volg:
- Die Skoolhoof
- 6 lede van die ouergemeenskap
- 3 lede van die onderwyspersoneel
- 1 lid van die administratiewe personeel
Die belangrikste funksies van die Beheerliggaam:
- Algemene toesighouding oor die skool, geboue, gronde en leerders.
- Beheer oor die skoolgelde.
- Ondersteun die skoolhoof en personeel in die uitvoering van hul professionele take.
- Maak aanbevelings aan die Onderwyshoof in verband met die aanstelling van personeel.
- Bevorder die belange van die skool.
The Governing Body consists of 11 members who are elected every
three years. They are:
- The Principal
- 6 members of the parent body
- 3 members of the teaching staff
- 1 member of the administrative staff
The most important functions of the Governing Body:
- General supervision of the well-being of the school, its buildings, grounds and learners.
- Control of the school funds.
- Supports the principal and staff of the school in the performance of their professional functions.
- Make recommendations to the Head of Department in connection with the appointment of staff members.
- Promote the best interests of the school.
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Tel and address detail:
Office information:
Meuse Avenue
Port Elizabeth
Latitude: -33° 58’ 9.6672"
Longitude: 25° 33’ 48.243"
Contact Information:
Tel: (041) 367-1115
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