

Die Beheerliggaam bestaan uit 11 lede wat elke drie jaar verkies word. Die samestelling is as volg:


  •        Die Skoolhoof
  •        6 lede van die ouergemeenskap
  •        3 lede van die onderwyspersoneel
  •        1 lid van die administratiewe personeel


Die belangrikste funksies van die Beheerliggaam:


  1. Algemene toesighouding oor die skool, geboue, gronde en leerders.
  2. Beheer oor die skoolgelde.
  3. Ondersteun die skoolhoof en personeel in die uitvoering van hul professionele take.
  4. Maak aanbevelings aan die Onderwyshoof in verband met die aanstelling van personeel.
  5. Bevorder die belange van die skool.



The Governing Body consists of 11 members who are elected every

three years. They are:


  •        The Principal
  •        6 members of the parent body
  •        3 members of the teaching staff
  •        1 member of the administrative staff


The most important functions of the Governing Body: 


  1. General supervision of the well-being of the school, its buildings, grounds and learners.
  2. Control of the school funds.
  3. Supports the principal and staff of the school in the performance of their professional functions. 
  4. Make recommendations to the Head of Department in connection with the appointment of staff members.
  5. Promote the best interests of the school.


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Tel and address detail:

Office information:

Meuse Avenue


Port Elizabeth


Latitude: -33° 58’ 9.6672"
Longitude: 25° 33’ 48.243"


Contact Information:


Tel:  (041) 367-1115

E-mail: info@lorraineschool.co.za

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