New Website under construction
May 20, 2010 | BYWe are busy creating a new website. We will have full control of its functionality and updating. This means up to date event images, updated news articles and an interactive calendar.
The aim of the new website is to keep you our, valued parent informed of everything happening at Lorraind Primary. Die webtuiste sal ook die ouer die geleentheid gee om via aan lyn vorms met ons te kommunikeer.
Alle belangrike dokumentasie sal ook aflaaibaar gemaak word. Geniet die webtuiste en laat weet ons wat u dink.
Enjoy the new website and let us know how you experience the new website.
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Tel and address detail:
Office information:
Meuse Avenue
Port Elizabeth
Latitude: -33° 58’ 9.6672"
Longitude: 25° 33’ 48.243"
Contact Information:
Tel: (041) 367-1115